Canning Vegetable Beef Soup Recipe

When nostalgia hits, many of us recall the delightful aroma of our grandma’s kitchen, especially the scent of fresh soups being prepared. But what’s even more heartwarming is the memory of shelves lined with jars of homemade canned soup, ready for the winter. 

With our canning vegetable beef soup recipe, you can create those cherished moments in your kitchen. Let’s dive into the world of canning!

Canning, a method developed in the early 19th century, was a revolutionary way to preserve food. Especially for those long winter months when fresh produce was a dream, having a pantry filled with canned food was a luxury. Vegetable beef soup, being both nutritious and delicious, was (and still is) a popular choice for canning.

Ingredients You Need to Make Canning Vegetable Beef Soup:

Ingredient Quantity
beef stew meat, diced 2 pounds
beef broth 4 cups
potatoes, peeled and diced 3 cups
carrots, sliced 2 cups
celery, chopped 1 cup
peas 1 cup
green beans, chopped 1 cup
corn kernels 1 cup
tomatoes, diced 2
onion, finely chopped 1
garlic cloves, minced 3
salt 2 teaspoon
black pepper 1 teaspoon
dried thyme 1 teaspoon
bay leaves 2

Tools You’ll Need to Make This Hearty Soup:

  • Large pot or Dutch oven
  • Ladle
  • Canning jars with sealable lids
  • Canning funnel
  • Pressure canner

How to Prepare Canning Vegetable Beef Soup: Step-By-Step Guide

Here’s how you can prepare and can your own Vegetable Beef Soup:

  1. Begin by gathering fresh vegetables like carrots, potatoes, green beans, peas, and corn. You’ll also need diced beef, salt, pepper, beef broth, and some herbs for added flavor.
  2. In a large pot, brown your diced beef in a splash of oil until all sides are seared.
  3. Add your chopped vegetables, beef broth, and seasonings, and let the mixture simmer until the beef is tender and the vegetables are slightly cooked, but not mushy.
  4. While your soup is simmering, prepare your canning jars. Wash them in hot, soapy water and then sterilize them by boiling them in a large pot for about 10 minutes. Don’t forget to sterilize the lids and rings as well.
  5. Once your soup is ready, ladle the hot soup into the sterilized jars, leaving about 1 inch of headspace. This space ensures a vacuum seal.
  6. Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean cloth to remove any soap residues. Place the sterilized lids on top and screw on the rings just until they’re fingertip-tight.
  7. Vegetable Beef Soup must be pressure canned due to its low acidity and meat content. Place the jars in a pressure canner, following the manufacturer’s instructions for the amount of water and processing time. 
  8. After processing, use a jar lifter to remove the jars and let them cool for 24 hours. Once cooled, check for a proper seal (the lid shouldn’t flex up and down). Store in a cool, dark place.

Preserving Vegetable Beef Soup through canning not only extends its shelf life but also captures the taste of fresh ingredients. Enjoy a hearty meal whenever you wish with this convenient method!


Feature Details
Type Soup
Cuisine Home Preservation
Recipe Yield 6-8 jars
Calories 150 per serving
Preparation Time 15 minutes
Cooking Time 45 minutes
Total Time 2 hours (including canning process)

Tips on Serving the Canned Vegetable Beef Soup

  • Always check the seal before opening a jar. If the lid is bulging or the seal is broken, it’s best to discard the soup.
  • Heat the soup thoroughly before serving.
  • Enhance the flavor with fresh herbs upon reheating, if desired.

Why You’ll Love This Canning Vegetable Beef Soup Recipe?

There’s an unmatched satisfaction in having homemade canned soups on your shelf. Not only are they a symbol of self-sufficiency, but they also embody warmth, comfort, and love in a jar. This canning vegetable beef soup recipe, with its balanced flavors and rich broth, is perfect for those days when you need a hug in a bowl.


Canning might seem like a step back in time, but it’s a timeless culinary art. Our canning vegetable beef soup recipe is more than just a guide; it’s an invitation to relive and cherish age-old traditions. As you open a jar months later, it’s not just the aroma but memories that’ll waft out. Happy canning!

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