Red Peas Soup Recipe

There’s something universally comforting about a hot bowl of soup, isn’t there? Now, if you’re interested in cooking something hearty, look no further. In this comprehensive guide, we’re focusing on Red Peas Soup, a mouth-watering dish filled with flavor, nutrients, and a whole lot of love. 

Red peas, also known in some places as kidney beans, are a powerhouse of nutrients and the star of our Red Peas Soup. The origins of red peas can be traced back to Central America, but their fame has spread worldwide. They are especially beloved in Caribbean cuisine, where they form the base of this classic soup. 

Traditionally, Red Peas Soup has been a staple for families, often cooked in large quantities to serve many mouths or last through the week. While some people add meats like pig’s tail or beef, you can also make a completely vegetarian version that’s just as delicious.

Ingredients You Need to Make Red Peas Soup:

Before you can wow your family and friends with your culinary skills, you’ll need the right ingredients. Here’s a detailed list to help you out:

Ingredient Quantity
dried red peas (kidney beans) 2 cups
onion, chopped 1 large
cloves garlic, minced 3
potato, diced 1 large
carrot, chopped 1
Scotch bonnet pepper (optional) 1
water or broth 6 cups
Salt and pepper to taste
Meat Optional

Tools You’ll Need to Make This Hearty Soup:
In the realm of cooking, the right tools can make all the difference. For this Red Peas Soup, you’ll need:

  • A large pot
  • A wooden spoon
  • Cutting board and knife
  • Measuring cups and spoons

Step-By-Step Guide on How to Prepare Red Peas Soup:

  1. The first step in our journey is to soak the red peas. This is an essential step, as soaking helps in reducing the cooking time and makes the peas more digestible.
  2. Use this soaking time wisely by chopping your vegetables and preparing your optional meat. This way, everything is ready to go when the peas are.
  3. Drain the peas from their soaking water and put them in a large pot with fresh water or broth. The cooking process begins here. Bring them to a boil, then lower the heat to a simmer.
  4. After about an hour, when the peas are partly cooked, add your prepped vegetables and seasonings. This is the phase where your soup starts to take on its character.
  5. Patience is key. Let your soup simmer until all the components are tender and flavorful, which may take another hour.
  6. Before you serve, take a moment to taste the soup. Add more salt, pepper, or spices as needed to suit your taste.
  7. The moment of truth! Your Red Peas Soup is ready to be served and savored.


Feature Details
Type Comfort Food
Cuisine Caribbean-Inspired
Recipe Yield 6 generous servings
Calories Approximately 300 calories per serving
Preparation Time 20 minutes (not including soaking time for the peas)
Cooking Time 2 hours
Total Time 2 hours and 20 minutes

Tips on Serving the Soup:

Presentation matters! Here are some quick tips:

  • Garnish: A sprinkle of parsley or a dollop of sour cream can work wonders for presentation.
  • Accompaniments: Consider serving with a slice of crusty bread or a side salad to make it a complete meal.

Why You’ll Love This Red Peas Soup?

What sets this Red Peas Soup apart? For one, its heartiness makes it a complete meal, perfect for lunch or dinner. Secondly, it’s an adaptable recipe; you can tweak it to fit vegetarian diets or add your favorite meats. Thirdly, the soup actually tastes better the next day, as the flavors meld together over time, making it a great option for meal prep or leftovers. Finally, there’s the satisfaction of cooking something from scratch, filling your home with wonderful aromas, and then enjoying the fruits of your labor.


Red Peas Soup has stood the test of time as a comforting, nutritious, and utterly delicious dish. With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped with all the knowledge you need to create the perfect bowl. So, gather your ingredients, put on your chef’s hat, and prepare yourself for a delightful culinary adventure. Thank you for joining us on this journey through the wonderful world of Red Peas Soup. Happy cooking!

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