Potato Soup Canning Recipe

Today, we’ve got something special in store for you a Potato Soup Canning Recipe that you absolutely can’t resist. Imagine the delight of digging into your favorite potato soup, not just today or tomorrow, but any day of the year. Sounds incredible, right? Well, it’s not only possible but also remarkably simple. Stick around as we delve deep into this comforting journey.

The art of canning has been passed down through generations, dating back to the time when preserving food was a necessity rather than a choice. And in recent years, it has made quite the comeback, especially among those who appreciate the goodness of homemade food. 

But why potato soup, you ask? Well, its hearty flavors and comforting texture make it a perfect candidate for canning. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to capture the soul-warming essence of homemade potato soup, right in a jar!

Ingredients You Need to Make Potato Soup Canning Recipe:

Ingredient Quantity
Potatoes 10 cups of peeled and diced Idaho or Russet potatoes
Vegetable Broth 8 cups
Onions: 2 large onions 2 large
Garlic: 5 cloves, minced 5 cloves, minced
Heavy Cream: 2 cups 2 cups
Salt and pepper  to taste

Tools You’ll Need to Make This Potato Soup Canning Recipe:

  • Canning Jars
  • Stockpot
  • Canning Pot
  • Ladle and Funnel
  • Measuring Tools
  • Jar Lifter
  • Labels and Markers: For labeling your canned goods.

Step-By-Step Guide on How to Prepare Potato Soup Canning Recipe:

Step 1: Sterilization is Key

Start by sterilizing your canning jars, lids, and rings. Boil them for 15 minutes and let them air-dry.

Step 2: Soup Preparation

Begin by tackling your potatoes. Peel and dice them into small pieces for quicker cooking. Similarly, chop your onions and mince your garlic. In a large stockpot, combine these with vegetable broth and cook until the potatoes are soft but not mushy.

Step 3: Fine-tune Your Flavors

Here’s where you get to be the chef! Season the soup with salt and pepper according to your taste. If you prefer a smoother texture, use a blender to achieve your desired consistency.

Step 4: Jar Filling Time

Once the soup cools a bit, use a ladle and funnel to fill your sterilized jars, leaving a 1-inch headspace. Wipe the rims, apply the sterilized lids, and secure them with rings.

Step 5: The Canning Process

Place the filled jars in your canning pot, making sure they’re covered by at least an inch of water. Boil for 40-45 minutes. This ensures that your soup is properly preserved.

Step 6: The Grand Finale

After the water-bath canning process, carefully remove the jars with a jar lifter and allow them to cool on a towel. Once they’re cool, test the seals to ensure they’re tight. Label the jars with the date and store them in a cool, dark place.


Feature Details
Type Soup
Cuisine American
Recipe Yield 10 pint-sized jars
Calories Roughly 250 per serving
Preparation Time 40 minutes
Cooking Time 50 minutes
Total Time 1 hour and 30 minutes

Tips on Serving the Potato Soup from Your Canning Recipe:

  • Warming Up: Always reheat your canned potato soup to a boil for at least 5 minutes before consuming.
  • Cream It Up: For a creamier texture, add a cup of heavy cream while reheating.
  • Garnish and Serve: Consider toppings like crumbled bacon, chives, or shredded cheese for that gourmet touch.

Why You’ll Love This Potato Soup Canning Recipe?

This Potato Soup Canning Recipe is a treasure in many ways. Firstly, it’s economical you’re essentially storing away ‘fast food’ for days when cooking is not an option. Secondly, it’s comforting; there’s something incredibly satisfying about savoring a homemade soup that you preserved yourself. And lastly, it’s a wonderful skill to have; once you get the hang of it, the canning world is your oyster!


You made it to the end of this extensive guide on the Potato Soup Canning Recipe! Canning is not just a technique; it’s a tradition and a skill that comes in handy in numerous situations. From saving time on busy days to offering a homemade gift, canned potato soup is versatile and downright delicious. So why wait? Start canning today, and your future self will surely be grateful for these jars full of comfort and love. Happy canning!

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