Recipe For Portuguese Bean Soup

From the narrow, cobbled streets of Lisbon to the sun-kissed cliffs of the Algarve, there’s a distinctive aroma that often lingers in the air, reminding everyone of home — it’s the scent of Portuguese bean soup simmering away. 

Nothing beats the comfort of a hearty bowl of soup, especially one with deep cultural roots. The recipe for Portuguese bean soup showcases just that: a fusion of traditional flavors from Portugal, promising to warm both your heart and belly.

This dish isn’t just food; it’s a story, a legacy, and a warm embrace. Join us on a flavorful journey through the heart of Portugal, one spoonful at a time.


Nestled in the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal boasts a culinary heritage rich in flavor and culture. The Portuguese have a way of turning simple ingredients into dishes that narrate stories. 

Among these recipes is the much-love Portuguese bean soup. The Portuguese bean soup, also known as “Sopa de feijão,” has a history as rich as its flavors. Originating from Portugal’s coastal regions, this soup combines simple ingredients to create a dish that many families have cherished over generations. 

It’s not just a dish; it’s a testament to the Portuguese way of life, celebrating simplicity and the art of cooking.

Ingredients You Need to Make Portuguese Bean Soup:

Ingredient Quantity
Kidney beans 500g,soaked overnight
Chorizo or Portuguese sausage 200g, sliced
Ham hock 150g
Onion, 1 large, chopped
Cloves of garlic 3,minced
Carrots 2,diced
Potatoes 3,cubed
Tomatoes 2, diced
Chicken or vegetable broth 2 liters
Bay leaves
Salt and pepper to taste
Paprika and cumin A dash
Cilantro (optional) Handful of chopped

Tools You’ll Need to Make This Hearty Soup:

  • Large soup pot or Dutch oven
  • Wooden spoon or spatula
  • Knife and chopping board
  • Ladle

How to Prepare Portuguese Bean Soup: Step-By-Step Guide:

Beans First: Begin by draining the soaked beans. This ensures they cook evenly later.

Meats: Sauté the chorizo and ham hock until they release their oils and flavors.

Adding Veggies: Toss in onions, garlic, and carrots. Watch as they caramelize and become aromatic.

Bean Integration: Gently add the beans, ensuring they’re submerged in the rich broth.

Simmering: The slow simmer is where the magic happens. Flavors meld, and ingredients tenderize.

Potato Integration: Halfway through, add the potatoes. They’ll absorb the broth, becoming flavorful.

Season: After tasting, season as needed. This personal touch ensures the soup suits your palate.

Plating: Ladle the soup into bowls, garnishing with fresh cilantro.

Recipe Details:

Feature Details
Type Soup
Cuisine Portuguese
Recipe Yield 6 servings
Calories Approx. 320 per serving
Preparation Time 20 minutes
Cooking Time 2 hours
Total Time 2 hours 20 minutes

Tips on Serving the Portuguese Bean Soup:

Bread: Rustic, crusty bread complements the soup’s texture, creating a complete meal.

Olive Oil: A dash of high-quality olive oil right before serving can elevate the taste.

Consistency: Some prefer a thicker soup. If you’re among them, consider blending a portion of the soup and then mixing it back in.

Wine Pairing: A glass of Portuguese red wine can enhance your dining experience.

Perfect Pair: Serve alongside Portuguese cornbread or any crusty loaf.

Garnish Game: Elevate the soup’s look and taste with a sprinkle of fresh parsley or a drizzle of olive oil.

Reheat & Eat: This soup tastes even better the next day. Store leftovers in a refrigerator and reheat before serving.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe for Portuguese Bean Soup:

Beyond ingredients and methods lies a soulful experience. This soup, deeply embedded in Portugal’s culinary DNA, offers comfort in every bite.

This dish is a celebration of flavors and textures. Every ingredient, from the smoky chorizo to the creamy beans, plays a crucial role in making this dish a standout. It’s not just a meal; it’s comfort, nostalgia, and a culinary journey to Portugal.

Whether it’s a cold evening or a sunny afternoon, this soup stands time’s test, consistently offering warmth, comfort, and sheer gastronomic pleasure.


There’s something innately satisfying about savoring a dish that’s steeped in tradition. The recipe for Portuguese bean soup offers a unique blend of history and flavor, promising to be a staple in your kitchen. As the cold months approach or whenever you need a bowl of comfort, remember this timeless Portuguese gem. Let every spoonful transport you to the sunny coasts of Portugal.

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